below you find frequently asked questions and small tutorials on how to use the fur brush and fix some behavior of Substance.
you can contact me via my social links at the bottom of the page if your problem is not listed here.
To import Furbrush you just drag and drop all files to the shelf.
when asked you need to select the following values:
I recommend you to import the resources to your library, you only need to do this once.
Please avoid importing to the project, since this will cause the basematerial to be embedded in the file which is not allowed to give out to your customers.
On existing projects the easiest way to start is to remove anything that is fur related and keep everything that should "overwrite" fur in a folder.
on an empty project you can just drag and drop the Smartmaterial into your layer stack.
then your project should look like this:
Make sure to set the blending method of the height channel to normal for the "Not Fur" folder
Drawing fur happens in 2 steps.
step 1 is drawing the structure of the fur,
step 2 is coloring the fur.
The transition filter needs some structure to work with so start with covering some fur everywhere.
after that start coloring the markings and then go back and forth between refining the colors and the structure until everything works.
To draw the structure klick on the "Fur Data" layer and then find the "Furbrush tool Preset". this sets all the settings to defaults so you only need to drag the brush along and it automatically rotates the brush in the direction and uses a unique stamp for both sides of the symmetry and for every stamp.
this is important to keep the brush from looping /repeating to often and looking fake.
when you change the settings of the brush and wanna save it, right klick the 3d ball preview and select "create tool preset" more details are available at the Substance Documentation:
Every color you want to use needs its own layer.
for the transitions to work correctly you need to add the transition filter to the mask and select the "fur data" layer in the inputs of the filter.
- Add a new Fill layer in the "Color layers Folder"
- Remove all Channels except for color (and emission if wanted)
- Add a black Mask
- add a filter to the black mask
- Change the filter Type to "furbrush transition Filter"
- Set the Fur data anchor point
after that you can start drawing with soft tools inside the mask, to change the appearance of the transition you can play around with the sliders inside the filter to change how it behaves.
Blending between colors basically just needs very soft and blurry tools.
the softer the edge the longer is the transition.
It is helpful to start with the "basic soft" tool in substance and keeping the flow low and just repainting over the same spot multiple times
The Smudge tool helps a lot to drag the transition and push it into the directions you want it to. the "Blur" tool is a good start just increase the flow a bit.
To get a more natural look start layering multiple slightly different colors on top of each other, the only limit on complexity your pc / substance painter allows you to create.
If skin details only add to fur and mix together instead of replacing each other, then the blending behavior of the "Not Fur" folder is wrong. In case it wasn't created when setting up furbrush, here is the 2 things to look at.
Furbrush should be at the bottom of the layerstack and above it you want to create a folder "Not Fur" in this folder you move all the layers that should replace fur.
Then you want to change the channel to "height" and switch the blending mode of the folder to "Normal"
When changing the blending mode does not help, make sure to enable the height channel in the layer that tries to replace the fur, as seen in the video.